Summer Reading for Students

Students with little access to books during the summer months are at risk of losing 40% of their school-year learning. Since 2018 we’ve been working with Ida Freeman Elementary to help build home libraries for their students. Every year at Christmas and at the end of the school year we gift each child with a book selected by their teachers.

You can help inspire a young reader, increase home learning, and help bridge the gap that often appears over the summer months - donate to our Ida Freeman Special Offering this month. We will deliver the books to the school to share with the students the last week of school.

DONATE by visiting, use a GIVE envelope in the pew and drop in the offering plate or in a donation box in the sanctuary hall, or mail your check to First Christian Church, PO Box 3548, Edmond, OK 73083.


Summer Fun Fest!


Principal Palooza!